Je suis arrivée!

I began to feel slightly guilty sitting in my room watching Downton Abbey with a cup of tea and marmite on toast. I couldn’t have been more British if I tried. However, I was in France, on my year abroad… a time to get out of my comfort zone, to live and embrace the French culture and lifestyle – so I turned the French subtitles on.

Salut! I’m Claire and welcome to my blog where I will be rambling on about my lifestyle, experiences and general thoughts about my year abroad. I’m a third-year student at the University of Kent, studying French & Italian. For my first semester I will be studying at Université Grenoble-Alpes in the beautiful city of Grenoble in southeast France, and then in my second semester I will be studying at Università degli Studi di Parma in northern Italy.
It goes without saying that this will be an amazing year so why not document and share it in the form of this blog?

I’m writing this blog mainly for myself as a nice pastime, as well as for those who:

  • are friends and family who want to keep updated with me;
  • will be going on a year abroad in the future;
  • are simply nosy;

I’ve been in Grenoble for nearly six weeks now. Though it was very hard to say goodbye to my friends, family and boyfriend.. I am in a good place and feel very lucky to be living in such a beautiful city. I will make more detailed blogs about what has happened during these past six weeks soon.

I hope I have lots of exciting things to post about in the future!

À bientôt, j’espère! x

6 Comments Add yours

  1. Tracey barlow says:

    Sounds like your having an amazing time. I love marmite on toast. Carry on having a great time stay safe love ya xxx


  2. christina says:

    Love the blog Claire ma Cherie xx bonne chance et j’espere que tu auras beaucoup de plaisir en France xxx kiss kiss…tante chip


  3. Rosie says:

    Look forward to reading about Grenoble – I’m currently living in Lyon and yet to visit Grenoble, but it sounds like a beautiful place with those mountain views! Bon courage!


  4. Exciting! Definitely making me excited for my year abroad next year ❤


    1. Oh I’m so glad to hear that! Where are you going?x


      1. I’m applying for an English Language Assistantship, so I could be anywhere in France really! I’m trying to research some good areas at the moment as I’ve only ever been to Paris. ❤


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